

九宫八卦护身咒牌可防范因人、事、物、风水以及地理等所产生的任何凶煞,阻挡一切奇灾异祸,趋吉避凶。 不论求财、婚姻、子嗣、权势、智慧、延寿等,皆能增善缘,解恶缘,而无灾祸,回避一切太岁,劫杀等。 九宫八卦不仅成为了藏地确定方位、节气、吉凶预测等的认知构架,也融入了藏传佛教文化和人文传统中,十分值得重视和传承的艺术瑰宝。
外圈是十二生肖,代表十二地支以纪年的十二生肖,配合天干演化成六十甲 子。我们每个人都有一个属相。相生相克,如果九宫八卦牌在旁,则相当于 拥有十二种属相,无论遇到何人何事,天、地、时、日、月、星、辰都会相 生想合,往事顺遂。
The Nine Palaces Bagua card is a talisman in the eyes of Tibetans.
The Nine Palaces Bagua protected against negativity. It help to seek good luck, wealth, marriage, power, wisdom, longevity, etc. It help increase good karma, resolve bad karma, and avoid disasters.
The twelve zodiac signs, it represents each of our zodiac sign. Mutual growth and mutual restraint. If the Nine Palaces Bagua card is nearby, it is equivalent to having twelve zodiac signs. No matter who or what happens, things will go well in harmony.

*Please note that there might be slight variations in color and size due to studio lightings.
*may not be exactly the same as the picture shown as every crystal is unique in appearance.